Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It has been awhile since we updated the blog. We are in our final three weeks of our term here in Trinidad. We have truely enjoyed our time here. We will return, God willing, in April 2009. Until then we will be in the USA and Canada. So long for now from the beautiful Caribbean island of Trinidad.

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Downtown Chaguanas

Waiting for a ride.

Traffic at Gulf City Mall.
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Family wedding

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Zaid enjoying his ice cream.
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Wednesday night bible study.

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Monday night Bible study.

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Making roti (buss-up shut)

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The awsome Jaddo family.

The "youths."
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The kids of Carelson Field.

Puppets at Carelson Field.

Puppets, VBS 2007.
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The Super Seven.

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Health Clinic 2007.

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You are never too young for VBS.

More VBS. Singing the songs.

This little guy was so tickeled with the puppets.

New friends.
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2007 Vacation Bible School.
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Good friends.
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Members of Maraval Baptist Church.

Maraval Baptist Church.
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